I've been trying to decide whether I should let this blog go or to just do what I can when I can with it.. To be honest, I don't have much time to try out many of the work at home jobs that are out there these days. I'm still doing texting.. I LOVE the company that I am working for and the pay really helps. I do have ONE thing to vent about though.. most of the texting companies are based out of the UK (don't let this scare you away, most are legit and DO pay!). However, the UK pays in pounds.. so when it hits our bank it is turned over to USDA. With the way the economy has been, the conversion rate has been dropping steadily over the last few months. The average normal rate is $1.98 per every UK Pound. .. When I got paid last month, the exchange rate was down to $1.63! My pay was almost $100 less than normal! Oh yes, I almost cried! Ofcourse, anything is better than nothing but it's really hard to be happy about making less money for the same amount of work! I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that the rates will start going back up again! (btw, as Im writing this, I just went to the currency converter and it is currently down to $1.58!!!!!!!!!) I don't want to discourage people from doing texting but these are things that you have to deal with. I've heard that it has happened before but will eventually go back up!! I'm hoping it will increase soon!!
Soo anyway, for now, I am just going to post a few job listings that I come across here and there. If I have anything else to post regarding work at home I will write about that as well.
If anyone has an article that they would like to submit to be posted here feel free to contact me! I can't compensate you monetarily but can give you some free advertising here!
Here are a few work at home listings that I have come across. Please keep in mind that I have not done any research on these places.. So make sure that you research them a bit yourself before giving them any information (you can try ripoff.com or the BBB online)!
AUTHORS WANTED:Frugal living with finesse; creative ways to snag a job in tough times; how to invest smartly instead of stashing your dwindling cash in your mattress.
You'll explore these subjects and more as a contributor to a fast-growing site for women that's expanding its coverage of financial fitness.
We're looking for journalists, other experts (maybe you're a small business advisor, executive coach?) and writers with experience and insights to share that will engage others with a focus on what's most relevant right now.
The bottom line: You must be able to blog about these topics in compelling ways - and in the same voice you'd use to chat with your closest friends.
Sounds intriguing? You could help lead the conversation on pnn.com, The Personal News Network, where there's a global community of people just like you: bright, curious and passionate about expressing opinions.
Expectations:You'll have to post at least five times a week (short and sweet is good!) and use our platform (don't worry; it's one of the easiest on the planet).
Compensation$100 a month, plus a share of ad revenues.
CONVERGYS WORK AT HOMEAs a Convergys Home Agent, you'll interact with customers of leading companies. You may answer questions, determine product opportunities that best meet your callers' needs, place orders on their behalf, provide technical support, or enroll callers in health or entertainment plans.
Requirements: * A home office environment that is quiet and free from distraction
* A PC that meets the requirements of the Home Agent platform (you can test your PC during the on-line application process)
* High speed internet access
* USB headset with a built-in digital signal processor
* Telephone with a mute button to be utilized during training, team meetings, and individual coaching and technical support sessions. Please note all monthly telephone charges are the responsibility of the employee and are not reimbursed by Convergys.
* Completed application submitted on-line
CONVERGYSGood luck and feel free to leave comments if you have any information (good or bad) regarding these companies!!