Friday, July 27, 2007

How to make it work?

One of the hardest things about working from home if you have children is that you are still trying to look after your children while you are working and it can become a bit hard at times. It's not like an out of home job where someone else is taking care of your children and you have 100% of your time dedicated to your work. At the moment I'm trying to potty train twin 2 year olds and it gets kind of difficult to get my work done when I have to keep cleaning up messes and checking the potty!

I've always been one for routine and schedule. If my routine gets messed up for some reason then I feel like I am "off" for that day. I have a routine each day for meals and cleaning, working out and working. I schedule different household tasks throughout the week and then I usually work in the afternoon. I'm sure things will be much easier once my kids start going to school. My oldest starts headstart in September and I'm sure just having one less child part of the day is going to make a big difference!

Everyone is different and everyone has different routines and things that need done. Sit down and make out a schedule of what will need done each day and how much time you are going to have to dedicate to your work, too. Set up a plan that will work for you and your family. If I don't make a schedule or routine then a lot of things normally get left behind at my house!


Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

Just browsing the internet, you have a very, very interesting blog.

Unknown said...

woah, what's with all the spam? come on, people!!!!