Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Offer Your Services for a Few Bux!

A few months ago, I posted about fiverr where you can earn $5 for various services of your choice. I have had some luck with fiverr so far. I've been paid to do a few reviews on this blog, and a few other gigs as well. They changed their policy so that there is no payout minimum and you can cash out whenever you like.

There are a few other websites like this that I've found. TenBux works the same as fivver, except that you can offer services for both $5 or $10. Their minimum amount is only $8 and you get paid via paypal. For every $5 gig you do, they take .50, and $1 for every $10 gig.

Buxerr works the same way as TenBux, and the minimum cash out amount is $4. They do take 20% of each gig.

GigMe5 lets you offer services for $5, $10, $20 and $50. You do have a 14 day wait for the funds to clear before you can withdraw them and there is a minimum of $30 before you can cash out.

If you think about it, you can post all kinds of services or "gigs" on each one of these websites. It certainly can't hurt and you just might make some money along the way!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Interested in Guest Posting?

I would like to work with some other writers and have some guest posts on this blog. I would like the post(s) to be anything to do with working from home, whether it be tips for working from home, ideas for making money from home, or explaining how you, yourself work from home. I can't pay you, however it will give you a little bit of free publicity. I promote this blog on various places such as facebook, twitter and other blog networking communities.

If you are interested, please email me (contact information is at the top, or there is an email icon on the left hand side), tell me your ideas for a post and send me a link to your blog if you have one. I am looking forward to hearing from some of you soon!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Review of Kitchen Cabinet Kings

Since many of my readers work from home, I'm sure most of you like to work in a home that you enjoy and can be proud of. One of the most difficult things about owning your own home is having the responsibility of keeping things up to date and remodeling when the house needs it.

One of my favorite rooms in my house is the kitchen, however, it's time for a new look and there are so many varities of cabinets to choose from. is a great website that sells both kitchen and bathroom cabinets. If you are curious about the differences between the different textures and styles of cabinets, they offer an educational section to explain all of this for you.

They will even design the layout of your kitchen for you if you are building a new house, this way they can work with you and find out what style would work best for you.

The best part about kitchencabinetkings is that they offer their products at wholesale prices, so they are most likely a lot cheaper than what you could find in your local home improvement store. Once the orders are placed, they ship immediately, so there is not much waiting.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Shutterfly Winners!

The winners for the Shutterfly greeting cards are:



I really couldn't believe what a small amount of entries I had with this giveaway. I had over 100 views just from my Twitter account to the giveaway post and only a couple of people entered? I mean, seriously, do people not like free stuff? Plus, I made it super easy for people to enter, wasn't like a lot of other giveaways where you gotta go here and do this and do that. All you had to do was leave a comment with your email! Oh well, guess that was lucky for Denise and Deeba! Congrats you two and enjoy your cards!

*Special thanks to Shutterfly for sponsoring the giveaway!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Networking with Potential Clients...LinkedIn

Have many of you heard of Linked in? I had heard of it, but didn't really know what it was about until just a few weeks ago. Linked in is sort of like a social networking website, but it's for both employers/clients and freelancers/professionals looking for work. Your profile consists of your work history, education and resume information. You can advertise what skills you have and what sort of job you are looking for whether it be graphic design, freelance writing, photography, anything you like. You network with others, meet new people, join groups where you can come together with possible job opportunities and get advice from others.

This is my Linked in page. Feel free to look it over and add me to your network if you decide to join or if you already have an account. You can also add your blog feed to your page and portfolios of your work. I'm still pretty new to Linked in, but it looks to have a lot of potential so far.

If you have had any luck with Linked in, feel free to leave a comment and tell us about it and offer some advice.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Do You Host Giveaways??

For those of you who host giveaways on your blog or website and don't get a lot of entries, I wanted to mention Giveaway Scout. You submit your giveaway to them and they send the information out through various places such as twitter and facebook. They will also scan your blog automatically looking for any new giveaways that you may have. It's a great way to get more entries and more traffic to your blogs!

They also have this great widget that you can put on your blog showcasing some of the giveaways that are out there!