Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Offer Your Expertise for a Price!

I know I've been missing in action in the blogging world lately. Been busy working on a writing project for a client, writing 80 snooooze worthy articles. Time is money and Crazed Mama needs money right now so I had to set my priorities! Also trying to think of some ways to spice up this blog a little. Some times I just run out of money making things to post about! Still working on some ideas and we will see where it takes me...

Back to money making! I just came across a brand new website called Talltic where you can offer up your expertise on specific subjects (it can really be about anything!). You get paid to do an online tutoring session in 10 minute intervals and get paid $6 per session. As I said, it's a brand new website so there aren't a lot of tutors available at the moment but once the word spreads through the internet world, imagine the possibilities! $6 for ten minutes? During that ten minutes, you can freely offer up any information you have on the stated topic and the asker or "sponge" as they call it, is free to ask you any questions regarding that specific subject. Once the tutoring session is over, the "sponge" gives you a grade and has the opportunity to leave a comment to let you know anything they think you can improve on or what you did good at. 

I have not signed up for this yet just because I haven't had time. When you think about it, there's not much to lose out on because you get paid for any time you spend tutoring others. When I say tutoring, it doesn't have to mean tutoring on school subjects only. It can be anything and I mean anything; graphic design, web design, cooking, collecting, financial.. any thing!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Upcoming Father's Day Giveaway!

Who is ready for another giveaway? I have teamed up with The Thrifty Things and a few other bloggers to bring you an amazing Father's Day Giveaway. Prizes will include:

A Linksy Router
A Copy of Microsoft Office 2010
An Eat Smart Retro Scale
A Cafe Press Gift Certificate
and more prizes to be added!!!

The giveaway begins on May 31st, so sign up for our email list (the subscribe button on the side) or bookmark us and come back to enter on the 31st! These would make some great Father's Day gifts (or to keep to yourself)!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Make Money with Cash Texts!!

Cash Texts is a brand new paid to get text messages website. It works by sending various text messages to your phone and paying you for receiving them! You get 5 cents for each text message. You don't have to click on the advertisement in the text but they do offer random prizes meaning that random numbers will be chosen to win if they click on the advertisement. They also have a downline where you can earn money every time one of your friends gets a text message from them as well as long as they sign up under your link. They also offer cash "perks". With cash perks, you get points for text messages and extra points for clicking on the link. You can also log into the cash perks dashboard on the Cash Texts website and earn perk points for visiting links and sharing links on Twitter or Facebook, and the perk points will convert to cash. It's really easy to do especially if you have unlimited text messages. Like I said, they are new but I have already begun earning and I think this can grow as they get more advertisers.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thirsty for Comments Thursday! 5/3

Welcome to Thirsty for Comments 
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Acting Balanced
There is no Featured Blog this week.
We are currently redesigning how we choose featured blogs - if you have a suggestion, please leave a comment!  
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

SNHU Financial Aid for College

Navigating the financial aid system infographic by Southern New Hampshire University, SNHU.EDU
Brought to You by SNHU.EDU Online College Programs

Going back to school can be scary especially the financial aspect of it. Southern New Hampshire University explains financial aid in great detail and they offer online classes for anyone looking to get their degree.