I mentioned Entrecard a few posts back. I have found it to be a great way to boost traffic to your blog! One problem with Entrecard is that it seems to take awhile to go to each blog then back to the Entrecard website to find another site to click on. I've found a great tool to use that will automatically pop up 10 blogs (all in new tabs) so that you can go from one blog to the next and drop your Entre-card there! It really speeds up the time and gets you Entrecard points very quickly! You can also ask to have your blog added to the list and everyone who uses the Entrecard Credit Generator will click on your blog! It is free and is a great help if you use Entrecard! Check out Entrecard Credit Generator
My next post will be on how to use TWITTER to help market your website/business! I've found it to be another great tool! Coming soon!
thanks for the tips
there are actually 3 existing sites that offer these kind of free service:
the germz, which you mentioned, the dragon blogger, and mine at http://www.iamburaot.com/entredropper.
with mine, you could instantly add your site on the drop lists as soon as you put the reciprocal link. thus adding traffic to your site and earning ec credits as well.
main reason i built my own is that it took forever for my sites to be included on the lists of the other such service.
Thank you for the info Buraot! Ive already begun using your system!!
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