Saturday, November 5, 2011

NaBloPoMo! Say what?

I have joined this:

NaBloPoMo 2011

I decided to join for a few reasons. First of all, I really don't write a lot of personal things on this blog; I try to keep it more on topic regarding working from home. I thought this would be a great way for my readers to get to know ME a little better. Secondly, hopefully, this will keep me on track with posting every day (I know everyone will be in shock!). Thirdly, I can win prizes! eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Of course, there may be days where I'm so busy I may not have the time to get a post written. I promise though that I will try my best to post every day, even if it's just short and sweet. Each day, there will be a new prompt for bloggers to write about. We don't choose the prompt, it is given to us. When I signed up, there were over 2,000 blogs joining this, so it's exciting for me to be the part of something so big. I hope my readers enjoy it. Is anyone else participating in this?

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